About Us 。关于我们

We are a Chinese Congregation Children Sunday School from HingHwa Methodist Church. Our children are taught to use biblical principles as a compass to guide, support and protect them through their daily Christian life.

我们教导学生们在日常生活中引用圣经的真理为他们的指南针, 指引并保守他们的天路旅程.

Objective 。目标

Train a child in the way he should go , and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Train...lead by example, impart biblical Knowledge, live as a christian family
Child...children between age 5-12
The Way...focuses on Jesus Christ's teachings
Go...till old you will not deviate from

教养 孩童 ,使他 当行的道 ,就是到老他也不偏离。箴言22:6
教养...身教, 言教, 家教
走...一步一步的走, 到老也不偏离

Our Team 。我们的团队
Duty 职务 2013Person In Charge 负责人
Chairperson 主任YongBin 永斌
Secretary 文书LiJuan 丽娟
Treasurer 财政MeiZhu 美珠
Events 活动LiJin 丽锦, TianMei 添美
Bulletin Board 壁报ChunBao 春宝

Sunday School Schedule 。主日学时间表

0845-0915 :Praise & Worship the Lord with parents in the Chinese Service
0915-0930 :School starts with an engaging Children's Praise & Worship
0930-1030 :Bible Study Classes (Chinese Congregation) for grade N1 to Pri6
1030-1130 :Bible Study Classes (Hinghwa Congregation) for grade N1 to Pri6
1030-1130 :Bible Study Classes for Teachers (Level 1 or 2 Classroom)

0845-0915 :和家长在四楼的圣殿敬拜赞美主
0915-0930 :儿童敬拜赞美
0930-1030 :N1 到 Pri6 (华文部)查经班
1030-1130 :N1 到 Pri6 (兴化音)查经班
1030-1130 :老师查经班 (一楼或二楼课室)

Teachers & Classroom 。负责老师和课室
Class 班级 2013Teacher In Charge 负责老师Rm 课室
Children's Praise & Worship 儿童敬拜赞美YaMei 雅妹#03-05
N1-K1 Class 幼儿班(华文部)LaiZhen 来贞, YaMei 雅妹#03-12
N1-K1 Class 幼儿班(兴化音小班)LaiZhen 来贞, YaMei 雅妹#03-12
N1-K1 Class 幼儿班 (兴化音大班)YuMin 玉敏 #03-11
P1 Class 一年班ChunBao 春宝, ShuDuan 淑缎#03-07
P2 Class 二年班WanYin 玩音#03-10
P3-5 Class 三,四和五年班He MeiHua 何美华, YuHua 玉花#03-13